How to use BlackEye Phishing tool in Termux

How to use BlackEye Phishing tool in Termux

Accs with weak passwords can be bruteforced easily

Otherwise if it's strong it's hard to do

Freakin' wordlists

✅Use this tool

The Blackeye

With NGROK support to hack over WAN


This is an super advanced phishing tool⚡️

🔥Now even accs with strong passwords can be hacked 🔥

✅U just need to social engineer to trick your victim

Also Read:

💠 Requirements

1️⃣ Kali Linux(no emulator!! eg.Termux)

2️⃣ NGROK account in Kali or Termux. 

3️⃣ Some intelligence to social engineer. 

4️⃣ Patience. 

💠 Steps to use

1️⃣Install the git repository in ur Kali or Termux. 

2️⃣In Blackeye's directory, enter these commands in terminal. 

chmod +x *


3️⃣Follow the required steps

4️⃣It will generate a NGROK link

5️⃣Social Engineer the link to your victim

6️⃣And you're done! Once the victim will get tricked and enter the credentials, you'll get them from the comfort of your home😉

⚡️Use this to hack anyone's acc

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

If u are not expert in social engineering, don't expect that you'll be able to hack 

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